How to be a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador — A step by step detailed guide!

Shraddha Bhardwaj
7 min readMay 8, 2021
Everything you need to know!!

The article contains the following elements :

— Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Program --- about, eligibility criteria, timeline, and everything you need to know.

— Why you should apply for this program? ---The perks and other benefits.

— Complete application process.

— Selection process and Everything you need to know.

What is Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Program?

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors program, previously known as the Microsoft Student Partners program is a global group of on-campus enthusiasts who are eager to learn and grow through communities.

This is an educational and promotional program to sponsor undergraduate and postgraduate students majoring in disciplines related to technology.

The ambassadors are exposed to a high learning environment through the Microsoft platform and they might find themselves organizing and mentoring events for the upliftment of technical and career skills for the future thereby increasing the overall employability among communities.

Hence, MLSA program aims to enhance students’ employability and increase students’ awareness of Microsoft technologies. Student Partners are offered training especially in product-specific skills not typically taught in academia.

What is the eligibility criteria?

You must be at least 16 years old and actively enrolled in an accredited higher education academic institution. Students are trained in related technologies so diverse background folks are also encouraged to apply.

Why to apply for this program?

The best part of being in the program is the opportunity to network with a global community. Being an MLSA gives you the experience of working with a great team, connects you with other students and Microsoft employees, and equips you with leadership skills and technical knowledge.

What is the program timeline?

Applications are open throughout the year and are reviewed quarterly.

you can apply on all the 365 days of the year at any time of the clock, according to your convenience. New students are accepted into the program quarterly and the results are also announced on quarterly basis.

You can also reapply if your application has been rejected previously.

What are the perks and benefits of being an MLSA?

  • Opportunity to network with a global community and be among the talented group of people.
  • Visual Studio Enterprise and Azure credits worth $150/month.
  • Microsoft Technical Certification free exam.
  • Office 365 subscription.
  • voucher benefit.
  • Linkedin Learning free subscription.
  • Invitation to Microsoft regional, national, and sometimes international events including Ignite, Microsoft Student Summit, etc.
  • Free Microsoft training on Microsoft Learn Platform
  • Exclusive swags, accessories, and badges from Microsoft.

— Also you get a personal profile section on the official website to connect and showcase your portfolio.

Profile link-

How to apply to become a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador?

Step 1: Log in to the application portal.

Go to and click on “Apply Now”.

Sign in with a new or an already existing Microsoft Account.

Step 2: Fill in the Details of Application Form.

Click on next

— Accept the privacy and terms and then fill in the initial personal and academic details.

Written Sample

Now comes the the most IMPORTANT section, containing three questions which are to be answered with two written examples one video response.

Select the question which you want to respond via video from the drop down button

How to make a good written/video sample?

All you need to do is, to showcase, “How can you create an impact in the society with the technology knowledge you have and will gain in the future.” You have to write your answers really well (no copying) they have to be your own personal answers.

You can also add some of your personal experiences on “How have you contributed to the society in order to increase diversity and inclusion”.

Give answers to all the questions… you just need to let them know how much passionate you are towards technologies and how can you make a change in the society .

Try to keep these points in mind while presenting your answers —

  • Through these three areas(Inspire, Teach, Promote), Microsoft is trying to see What excites you about technology , How can you help other students to explore and learn, How can you promote technological knowledge ,contribute to societal development, teach and motivate others to grow and learn more about different technologies.

— So, present your authentic and fresh ideas.

Try to focus on how you can learn and help communities (around you) to grow along with you.

  • Do take care of the word and time limit for being on a safer side.

If you’re good with speaking and presentation skills then you can also present ppt while delivering the answers.

  • Try not to over-edit your video with effects and filters as Microsoft has no intention of judging you on your video editing skills. TRY TO HIGHLIGHT THE MAIN CONTENT IN A WINSOME MANNER.
  • You can also take references from selected applications’ blogs and videos .However I won’t recommend it as subconsciously, it will become a hindrance to your imagination and hence the responses.
  • MLSA is all about learning and growing together through communities, so try to focus on “How can you contribute to the society to increase diversity and inclusion.”

Social Media: (utilize it!)

a. Add the link to your technical blog post. (I did.)

b. Add the link of the technical session you’ve taken which is uploaded to any platform. (I did.)

c. Add the link of your website [portfolio]/online resume. (I did.)

d. GitHub Account Link. (I did and everyone should give it.)

e. GitHub Repository Link you’re maintaining. (I did )

f. LinkedIn Profile Link. (I did )

g. Add the link of your technical blog site. (I did.) Link-

h. Pluralsight Profile Link. (I didn’t.)

i. Stack Overflow Profile Link. (I did.)

j. Instagram Profile Link. (I did.)

k. Twitter Profile Link. (I did.)

Additional Information-

— You have to mention the technological stack/domain that matches your interests.

— You can share anything you like with them. (I did)

Check all green ticks in the upper left corner for successful application

— Once you are done with everything click on “submit” when you are fully satisfied with your answers.

Just after submitting the application, you will get a confirmation via email and text message on the mobile you’ve verified in the initial application.

You can also edit your application until it is in the review period within the deadline.

How does the further selection process work?

The candidates will be notified about the acceptance/rejection in the next quarter. Each of the submissions will be reviewed manually by the team .

If you’re selected, Congratulations and welcome to the team 😃

If you’re not, don’t worry, you can always re-apply for the next cohort.👍

What’s next after getting selected?

Huge kudos! 🥳

— You will be selected as a NEW STUDENT AMBASSADOR!

New to the program? Use this roadmap to get started on your journey!


  • You’ve been accepted! — watch the orientation video and read the Welcome post
  • Join and engage in a League
  • Complete a Learn Path to advance


  • Unlock your benefits: Azure, LinkedIn Learning, free certification exam
  • Showcase Microsoft technologies by hosting and reporting an event


  • Receive your Swag box
  • Continue your journey to be considered for Gold nomination:
  • Skilling on Learn
  • Hosting events
  • Contributing to the community


  • Congratulations on your achievement
  • Eligible for Microsoft Most Valued Professional (MVP) mentoring
  • Possible nomination to Microsoft MVP upon graduation

It is the most productive program in terms of learning opportunities and networking.

I hope this article has helped you.

You can also connect with me on Linkedin or Twitter .

Take your time, think and then implement. All the best :)

